Innovative Care for Optimal Recovery

Spinal cord injuries are life-altering events that require recovery and rehabilitation as well as adjusting and adapting to real-world situations. Catholic Health offers clinical expertise for spinal cord rehabilitation as part of our robust brain and spine program.

Our spinal cord injury team at St. Charles Hospital (Port Jefferson, NY) provides rehabilitation for patients who have complete and incomplete spinal cord injuries, including:

  • Anterior cord syndrome
  • Central cord syndrome
  • Brown-Sequard syndrome
  • Quadriplegia
  • Paraplegia

Children with spinal cord injuries are treated through our pediatric rehabilitation program.

St. Charles Hospital is the only Long Island hospital accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for comprehensive inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient medical rehabilitation for adults and children. 

    Features of Our Spinal Cord Injury Program

    At the Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Center at St. Charles Hospital, patients are consulted and evaluated to create a customized care plan. Family and caregiver involvement, seen as a vital part of successful rehabilitation, is encouraged.

    Education is also an integral part of our spinal cord injury program. Patients will learn how to work with caregivers, prevent complications and use available community resources.

    Spinal cord injury patients receive support from an entire team of clinicians with specific expertise in their areas. Our team works collaboratively to keep patients motivated as they find new ways to think, move, walk, talk, eat and care for themselves.

    Our team addresses:

    • Coping with adjustments to emotional, physical, social and financial challenges
    • Daily living activities like bathing, dressing and grooming
    • Mobility like bed/mat activities, sitting, weight shifts, transfers and gait training
    • Preventing complications like orthopedic deformities, skin breakdown and spasticity
    • Recreational pursuits
    • Regulation of bowel and bladder function
    • Sexual health
    • Skin integrity
    • Using adaptive equipment, wheelchair and seating needs
    • Using available community resources (driving, home modifications, vocational)
    • Immersive therapy at Downtown St. Charles. The first and only rehabilitation module of its kind on Long Island. Simulates a typical home and downtown community setting to practice real-world adaptive skills while still in the hospital. This is important for spinal cord injury patients who must learn new ways of moving, eating, communicating and caring for themselves before hospital discharge.
    • Physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are provided a minimum of three hours per day, five days a week.
    • Indego® exoskeleton. A FDA-approved, wearable robotic frame gives medically qualified spinal cord injury patients the opportunity to stand up and walk.
    • Complimentary treatments, like acupuncture and pain management, are used in conjunction with mainstream medicine.

    Our spinal cord injury program involves the patient and their family and caretakers as active participants in rehabilitation. We understand that the physical and emotional challenges of spinal cord injuries can often be stressful and overwhelming. Our education and support programs offer help at every stage of care, including after hospital discharge.

    Programs include:

    • Spinal cord injury education. Helps patients understand their diagnosis and the rehabilitation process.
    • Family/caregiver orientation and regular meetings. Helps build a strong support system for patients during and after treatment.
    • Falls prevention and home education program. Designed to empower patients and prevent falls after discharge.
    • Spinal cord injury support group. Helps patients currently admitted for rehabilitation and patients who have been discharged.

    The Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Center features a team of rehabilitation experts, including:

    • Board-certified physiatrists (physicians who specialize in physical medicine and rehabilitation)
    • Certified rehabilitation registered nurses
    • Rehabilitation therapists (physical, occupational, respiratory and recreational)
    • Psychologists and social workers
    • Dietitians

    Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Location

    St Charles Hospital

    St. Charles Hospital

    Port Jefferson, NY