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Konstantin Kolosov

Konstantin Kolosov had to do something to keep himself busy after the sweater-manufacturing company he owned in Queens shut down during the pandemic. The now 68-year-old was accustomed to being busy, so he started driving a limo—a job that came with an unexpected blessing in the form of a passenger who happened to be Catholic Health orthopedic surgeon Frank DiMaio, MD.

“I injured my knee a long time ago, and over the years the pain just got worse and worse,” said Konstantin, who immigrated to the United States from Ukraine in 1977 and now lives in Freeport. “It got to the point where I couldn’t walk even half a block without pain. Going up or down stairs was a problem.”

When Dr. DiMaio discovered his driver’s dilemma, he told Konstantin to come see him—and quickly diagnosed him with severe osteoarthritis in both knees.

He eventually suggested total knee replacement. Konstantin had seen other physicians over the years who’d said they would only do one knee at a time—which didn’t appeal to him.

Dr. DiMaio assured him he could do them both at the same time.

Encouraged by his doctor’s experience and kindness, Konstantin agreed to the surgery, which took place last spring at St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center (Roslyn, NY).

“I was able to perform bilateral, cementless total knee replacements,” said Dr. DiMaio. In a cementless knee replacement procedure, the artificial joint is placed without the use of cement. Instead, its textured surface encourages new bone growth that, over time, holds the new joint in place without cement.

After his surgery, Konstantin spent 12 days in inpatient physical therapy, followed by outpatient therapy.

“Everything went perfectly,” he said. “Two and a half weeks after surgery, I was walking without a walker or a cane.”

Now fully retired, Konstantin is immensely grateful to be able to enjoy time with his family. He and his wife are approaching their 50th wedding anniversary, and the couple relish their nearby children and grandchildren. As much as he can, he said, “I spend my time on my boat, fishing.” Free from pain.

Explore our orthopedic services. Call 866-MY-LI-DOC (866-695-4362) to find a Catholic Health physician near you.

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