Your Support Makes a Difference

Charitable donations to St. Catherine of Siena Hospital help us deliver compassionate and excellent care to residents in our community. All gifts, large or small, are greatly appreciated.

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General Donations

St. Catherine of Siena Hospital is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), tax-exempt institution. Outright gifts provide the hospital with crucial support for all of our programs and services—from patient care to the purchase of advanced medical equipment.

Memorial and Tribute Donations

Families and friends of loved ones who have passed away often wish to make a gift in memory of someone special. Gifts to St. Catherine of Siena Hospital can also provide a special opportunity to honor a family member or friend as well as to honor a special event in someone’s life.

Please call 631-862-3780 for more information on ways to give to St. Catherine of Siena Hospital. We are thankful for your support.

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