Understanding Genetics and Your Cancer Risk
Catholic Health genetic counselors examine the relationship between cancer and genetics. They look at your personal and family health history to help identify your likelihood of developing cancer based on your genetic makeup. They also offer guidance and education that enables you to use that information to develop an action plan that may reduce your cancer risk.
Genetic abnormalities play a significant role in cancer diagnoses. Your genes control how your cells develop, grow and multiply. Some genetic abnormalities disrupt that process by causing the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells. Others result in misshapen or damaged cells that become cancerous.
Genetic changes that increase your chance of developing cancer can be inherited from your parents. They can also be the result of exposure to cancer-causing substances such as asbestos or tobacco smoke. Our genetic counselors will discuss all potential risk factors at your appointment.
Call 844-86-CANCER (866-993-0638) for more information.