charles lucore

Welcome to St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center, where your health and well-being are our primary concerns. You've likely heard of our longstanding reputation for clinical excellence in cardiac care; we are, in fact, New York State’s only specialty-designated cardiac center. It's an accomplishment we are very proud of, and yet St. Francis is also ranked as high performing in many other specialties.

Long known for our reputation for world-class cardiac care, St. Francis Hospital has evolved into Long Island’s go-to destination for complex care across a range of specialties, as well as Long Island’s safest hospital. U.S. News & World Report has ranked St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center as one of the best hospitals in the nation in eight adult specialties—Heart & Vascular, Gastroenterology & GI Surgery, Geriatrics, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Urology, Pulmonary & Lung Surgery, and Orthopedics. We are also a certified center of excellence in Bariatric Surgery, Stroke Care and Cancer Care.  

St. Francis Hospital recently earned its 23rd “A” Hospital Safety Grade from The Leapfrog Group, a national nonprofit that measures the standard of patient safety in hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers. Since the scores were launched in 2012, the hospital has received more ‘A’ grades for safety from Leapfrog than any hospital on Long Island. For the second year in a row, The American College of Cardiology has awarded St. Francis with the nationally recognized HeartCARE Center™ designation, the only ACC HeartCARE™ Center designation in the area. This includes the five boroughs of New York City, Long Island and Westchester. St. Francis Hospital is one of only two HeartCARE Centers™ in the state.

St. Francis Hospital has also obtained a five-star ranking from the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, our fourth consecutive five-star rating in a row.

Our doctors, Magnet® award-winning nurses, and professional staff are committed to providing you with the finest medical care possible. We fully understand that no one really wants to be in a hospital. Our staff will work hard to make your stay as comfortable as possible and to care for your total needs as a patient—medical, emotional, and spiritual. Please know that our Pastoral Care Department, staffed by chaplains and clergy of many faiths, and volunteers, is always available to you.

By providing care of the highest quality and safety, we are raising the bar for the care of all patients and families in the communities we serve on Long Island.  Be assured that you have the best wishes of the St. Francis Hospital community for your return to good health.

Charles L. Lucore, MD, MBA

President, St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center