Dedicated Care Team
The dedicated staff at Our Lady of Consolation Nursing & Rehabilitation (West Islip, NY) help patients and their caregivers navigate the process for either short-term rehabilitative care or long-term residency. We work closely with families to provide assurance that loved ones will receive the highest quality of care.
Quality Information
Both the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) maintain information on nursing homes that includes performance on quality measures, complaints, inspection results, and citations and enforcement actions, as well as any penalties imposed on the nursing home.

Admissions & Discharge
An individual must require 24-hour skilled nursing care, rehabilitation/sub-acute treatment and/or hospice/palliative care to be eligible for admission to Our Lady of Consolation Nursing & Rehabilitation. Our admissions staff will gladly answer any questions you may have about eligibility for admission.
Please call 631-862-3960 for more information, including the application process.
Discharge planning begins on admission and continues throughout the patient's stay. The goal is to foster the appropriate utilization of health care services to ensure a timely and smooth transition to the most appropriate setting for post-rehabilitative care, including:
- Home for self-care (follow-up with physician)
- Home with skilled home health services
- Home with hospice
- Assisted living
- Nursing home placement
The discharge plan assesses the needs of the patient and matches those needs with the appropriate and available options. Medical services, supplies, equipment, education, monitoring and transportation are arranged as needed on discharge.
At the time of discharge, both the patient and the primary doctor receive a copy of the discharge summary and a follow-up appointment is confirmed. Prescriptions are provided and reviewed with the patient and family. A copy of the medications is sent to the primary doctor.
A pamphlet of community resources within the local area is given to each resident at discharge. A satisfaction survey is provided to each discharged patient to help us continue to make improvements to ensure a positive experience during a patient's rehabilitative stay.
Caregivers Frequently Asked Questions
As part of the vast Catholic Health system across Long Island, we can seamlessly provide care in a hospital or home setting if any special needs arise. Catholic Health has a history of compassionate care based on foundational Catholic values. We are a faith-based integrated health care system that sees each individual as a whole, requiring care and nourishment of the body, mind and spirit. We welcome all those in need and show respect to all, whatever their faith community.
Generally. insurance covers skilled nursing, rehabilitation therapy (physical, and if indicated, occupational and/or speech) in the home two to three times per week and a home health aide approximately two hours, two to three times per week.
Medicare, HMOs and private insurance cover skilled care, such as rehabilitation. Coverage ends when a patient no longer qualifies for skilled care. Medicare programs allow for a maximum of 100 days. Private insurance depends on particular policy.
Rehabilitation is provided five to six days per week and will continue for as long as progress continues or insurance terminates.
If you feel your loved one needs more care at home, or cannot return home, options include private-hire home care, Medicaid home care (if eligible), assisted living or long-term placement.
View home care services offered by Catholic Health Home Care
Gentle honesty is recommended if your loved one needs to remain in the nursing home for long-term care. Explain that more care can be provided than at home for their own safety and well-being. An adjustment period is expected.
Our dedicated staff hold family support groups to help with feelings of guilt when a loved one is placed in a nursing home and the challenges of coping with a loved one who has dementia.
Yes. Catholic Health's Good Shepherd Hospice provides medical, emotional and spiritual support for patients with serious and terminal illness as well as support for their loved ones wherever care is needed.
View Good Shepherd Hospice's palliative and hospice care services
Helpful Information
Our highly trained staff is available to answer questions and concerns. Please contact your social worker to arrange a meeting to discuss:
- Advance directives
- Adjustment concerns
- Answering questions regarding your rehabilitation
- Making difficult decisions
- Home care procedure
- Making difficult decisions
- Transitioning to our facility
- What to expect on admission and discharge
Our Lady of Consolation complies with applicable federal and state civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.
We provide free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as:
- Qualified sign language interpreters
- Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats)
- Free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: qualified interpreters, information written in other languages.
Call 631-587-1600 for more information.
If you believe that Our Lady of Consolation Nursing & Rehabilitation has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way, you can file a grievance with:
Patient Advocate
111 Beach Drive, West Islip, NY, 11795
If you need help filing a grievance, call our civil rights coordinator at 631-587-1600. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal.
You can also contact by mail or phone:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 509F
HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201
TDD: 800-537-7697
Complaint forms are available online. You will not be retaliated against for filing a complaint.
Call 631-587-1600 to speak to a member of our financial services team for help with questions including:
Personal resident accounts
We recommend that a personal resident account be opened. This will enable you to charge certain services such as the beauty salon, and also to deposit money for residents to withdraw. We discourage you from keeping money in your room. All personal funds are placed in an interest-bearing savings account and quarterly statements are issued as prescribed by the State of New York.
Handling of financial matters
In order to handle financial matters adequately, it is suggested that Social Security and pension checks be deposited directly to a resident’s personal account upon admission. Our financial services office sends out bills by the 10th of each month. Payment is expected upon receipt of the bill. Applying for Medicaid assistance rests with you and/or your family. We will assist you with referrals for this process.